I was having a tidy up recently of my photo folders on the laptop, and found some images of the various ogres I've painted over the years. I have a real soft spot for the 'C Series' ones that Citadel produced around the mid to late 80's, mostly designed by Jes Goodwin I believe. Over the years I've managed to pick up pretty much all of them, with the exceptions of the Bloodbowl ogre and the Mutant Ogre (which I gather is pretty rare as it was tough on moulds so not many were made). I've then added to the collection with a few from the Trish and Ally Morrison ones and some later GW sculpts (but still pre Ogre Kingdoms). In theory I could have used them as mercenaries in my Warhammer Armies, but to be honest that was just a weak excuse!
Let's have some group shots.
The two on the left (above) pretty much started it. They were initially part painted by my brother , Craig (who did the awesome freehand work on the banner and Hrothyogg's belly plate), but later finished and touched up by me. The Ogre Thug on the right is all my own work.
Here's that amazing banner up close. Classic John Blanche Evil Sun. It's a pity Craig didn't continue with miniature painting, he had a real talent for this sort of thing.
Left to right - Skrag the Slaughterer, Axenarf (Hasslefree Miniatures, more on him later), Mordheim Ogre Pit Fighter.
Ogre Warrior, Chaos Ogre and Mordheim Ogre Mercenary. The Chaos Ogre originally had two heads but I removed one and sculpted mail over the shoulder to cover where it would have attached. The feet were also a bit twisted and he wouldn't stand flat, so the left foot is positioned as if he;s just flattened a sharpened stake (presumably to get at the soft squidgy archers hiding behind it).
Skrag the Slaughterer
Ogre Shaman (not happy with the blue robe, I may come back to that some time)
As I say, I have most of the rest of this series awaiting paint. Going back over these images has me tempted to get them out and give them a coat or two.
Champion and trooper from the Golgfag's Mercenary Ogres Regiment of Renown. I have Golgfag himself in storage somewhere, but he's actually the poorest sculpt of the set, and these guys are noticeably smaller than the rest.
Mordheim Ogre mercenary. This one always looks to me like Hoggle from The Labrynth took steroids and developed a bad attitude.
Mordheim Ogre Pit Fighter
Marauder Miniatures Ogre. Love the renaissance style to these ones, and the fantastic detail like the powder charges, ram for the gun hanging on the belt, and the burning slow match in the hand. You might recognise this chap as my profile picture. He also featured in one of my first blog posts setting out how he was painted step-by-step (first one can be found here).
I think I have about three more of the Marauder ones awaiting the painting table.
Finally there's this chap, Axenarf, produce by Hasslefree Miniatures and sculpted by the awesome Kev White. I love this guy. He's basically Skrag, but re-imagined and even bigger. The face style is a great fit with the Citadel chaps, but the sculpting is just so crisp and detailed.
I'm not that keen on the work done on the skin tones, I may revisit that now I've learnt a few more techniques.
Check out the detail on that fist!
I have a resin version of Hasslefree's later version of Axenarf, but I think I'm too intimidated by the sculpting to start on him!
Painting models on this scale was really enjoyable, the size gives room and is easy on ageing eyes. plus the larger bases are an opportunity for a little more fund with the basing - nothing too fancy, just the odd arrow shaft, rocks, cobble stones and, in the case of the Ogre Shaman, his last meal!
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